1a.Uuringu nimi eesti keeles |
Põlvkondade eluteed 83 |
1b. Uuringu nimi inglise keeles |
2. Finantseerimise allikad |
3. Uuringu läbiviijad: projekti juht (vastutav täitja) ja uurimisgrupi liikmed. |
Titma Mikk
Kenkmann Paul
Saarniit Jüri
Ennok Avo
Talv Villu
Saar Ellu
Kirch Aksel
Vöörmann Rein
Pauts Indrek
Kirch Marika
Helemäe Jelena
Sukamägi Aimi
Tamm Karl
Saari Mari
Lepik Riina
Mikk Lana |
4. Uurimisgrupi postiaadress, telefon, faks, e-post. |
5. Uuringu eesmärk, uurimisprobleem, uurimisobjekt |
6. Kas uuring on seotud õigusloome ja/või arengukavade koostamisega. Seose olemasolul palun tuua välja konkreetsed õigusaktid/arengukavad, mille koostamisel uuringumaterjalid on kasutamist leidnud. |
7. Põhilised uurimisteemad (infoblokid) |
8. Andmete kogumise aeg |
Uuringu toimumise aeg: november 1982 - mai 1983
Uurimisandmete kogumise aeg: |
NB! Kui uurimistegevuse käigus uusi andmeid ei kogutud, polnud vaja vastata teemade 9-11 osas. |
9. Valikumeetod ja valimi moodustamise lühikirjeldus (valikuuuringu korral). |
The 1983 Estonian sample represents the cohort of all students graduating in 1983 from vocational secondary schools, specialized secondary schools, and general secondary schools in Estonia, who had entered these types of secondary schools after graduating from the 8th grade of fundamental school (this means that graduating students who had entered vocational secondary schools or specialized secondary schools after graduating from some type of secondary school are excluded). The total size of this educational cohort in Estonia in 1983 was 15,636 (statistics on the cohort were obtained from three educational ministries of the Republic of Estonia in the autumn of 1982). This makes up approximately (exact statistics are not available) 90% of all full-time graduating students of all types of secondary schools in 1983 and 82.7 % of the birth cohort in 1965. Students of 157 study groups were surveyed in 1983. The number of the surveyed students exceeded 3,400. On the basis of this nonrepresentative "sample" 12 representative subsamples (Estonian national sample, 3 subsamples of main types of secondary schools, and 8 subsamples of the subtypes of secondary schools) were created. |
10. Andmete kogumise meetod(id) ja valimi realiseerimine |
Questionnaire Both the Tallinn and Tartu teams used four survey methods: 1. The respondent was visited by the interviewer at home or his/her work place and completed the questionnaire in the presence of the interviewer. (20 % of all cases)) 2. A letter was sent to the respondent asking him/her to visit the office of our research groups or some other place and to complete the questionnaire there. (10 % of all cases) 3. The respondent was personally contacted by the interviewer but completed and returned the questionnaire after the interviewer had left. (This method was used for about 50% of the respondents). 4. The questionnaire was sent and received by post. (This method was used for about 20% of the respondents). This method was mainly used in the countryside. The method used is reported in V281 (completion of the questionnaire), but, unfortunately, this information was not recorded for everyone.
The first-stage survey was conducted between late November of 1982 and May of 1983. It embraced more than 3,400 students graduating from general secondary, specialized secondary, and vocational secondary schools, who had entered these educational establishments after graduating from the 8th grade of fundamental school. The survey was conducted in 157 study groups that were chosen in accordance with the sample design. After selection of the study groups, the respective school administrators were contacted, and the concrete time for the survey was agreed upon. The first-stage survey was conducted in classroom by a member of the research group; there were no outsiders in the classroom when it was administered. In his(her) short introduction, the person administering the questionnaire summarized the nature and aims of the research and pointed out that the survey is not anonymous but that the information obtained would be used only for scientific purposes and presented in statistically generalized ways. The students were told that the study had a long-term character and that they would be surveyed several times in the future. The students were also told that no one at school could read the completed questionnaires because they were given directly to the sociologist who was conducting the survey. Almost all of the students agreed to complete the questionnaire. More than half (55%)of the respondents wrote their answers directly on the printed questionnaire, while the rest (45%) wrote them on coding lists in which only the question numbers and codes of scale points were written. The coding lists were used to economize paper. In all schools, interviewers also copied the names of the students in the surveyed groups. The names of the students and information about their parents (address, phone number) were also recorded. The first-stage survey was administered by about 10 members of the research groups (see above), all of whom were university- educated, were experienced in field work, and had participated in designing the research and the questionnaire. In addition, all received special instructions before the survey. |
11. Kodeerimisjuhend |
12. Viited peamistele publikatsioonidele, milles on avaldatud uurimistulemused |
13. Uuringuga seonduvad võtmesõnad (vabas vormis) |
14. Käesoleva kirjelduse koostaja nimi ja kontaktinfo: aadress, telefon, faks, e-post. |
15. Kirjelduse koostaja seos uuringuga (nt uurimisgrupi juht, uurimisgrupi liige, tellija esindaja vms) |
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ESTA/ESSDA UUS ID: 2009198300255 |