1a.Uuringu nimi eesti keeles |
Põlvkondade eluteed 87 |
1b. Uuringu nimi inglise keeles |
2. Finantseerimise allikad |
3. Uuringu läbiviijad: projekti juht (vastutav täitja) ja uurimisgrupi liikmed. |
Kallas Raul
Nikolayeva Margarita
Titma Mikk
Helemäe Jelena
Vöörmann Rein
Kenkmann Paul
Saarniit Jüri
Sukamägi Aimi
Talv Villu
Ennok Avo
Murakas Rein
Saari Mari
Tamm Karl
Lepik Riina
Mikk Lana
Uueküla Jaak
Kings Ilona
Must Aasa
Solotarjeva Olga |
4. Uurimisgrupi postiaadress, telefon, faks, e-post. |
5. Uuringu eesmärk, uurimisprobleem, uurimisobjekt |
6. Kas uuring on seotud õigusloome ja/või arengukavade koostamisega. Seose olemasolul palun tuua välja konkreetsed õigusaktid/arengukavad, mille koostamisel uuringumaterjalid on kasutamist leidnud. |
7. Põhilised uurimisteemad (infoblokid) |
8. Andmete kogumise aeg |
Uuringu toimumise aeg: detsember 1986 - jaanuar 1988
Uurimisandmete kogumise aeg: |
NB! Kui uurimistegevuse käigus uusi andmeid ei kogutud, polnud vaja vastata teemade 9-11 osas. |
9. Valikumeetod ja valimi moodustamise lühikirjeldus (valikuuuringu korral). |
The sample of the first follow-up was designed on the basis of the graduating students who were surveyed in 1983. Respondents' addresses were obtained from the central address bureau in Tallinn. Of some 3,400 needed addresses the inquiry at the address bureau indicated that: 150 persons had officially left Estonia (145 of them were graduates of Russian schools) 160 were in the military 6 were in prison 5 were dead 120 persons could not be located in any way (no information in the address bureau, 70 of them were the graduates of Russian schools) 2,900 could be located. The second stage sample was designed on the basis of the 2,900 located respondents who officially lived in Estonia at the time of the second survey. In conditions of limited time and resources the aim of the first follow-up was not to survey all these 2,900 respondents. The main task was to get the same 12, possibly smaller in size, but proportionally representative subsamples, which were used in the base-year study. As a result of this strategy the survey was finished at the end of 1987 when 2,261 respondents were questioned. Approximately 60 incorrectly completed questionnaires were excluded before data entry and the data of 2,201 respondents were entered in the computer EC-1060. Incorrect data of 18 respondents were deleted during the current data checking and thus the checked data file includes data on 2,183 respondents. |
10. Andmete kogumise meetod(id) ja valimi realiseerimine |
The sample was divided between the Tallinn and Tartu research teams on the basis of the addresses obtained. The field work was done by the Tartu group in the counties of Tartu, Pärnu, Viljandi, Valga, V ru, P lva, J geva, Järva, and Western Viru, and by the Tallinn team in Tallinn and the counties of Harju, Eastern Viru, Saaremaa, Hiiumaa, Rapla and Haapsalu. Like the first-stage survey, the second-stage survey was administered by research team members who had received special instruction. Each interviewer conducted from 10 to 250 surveys. Technical personnel assisted in surveys administered by mail (see method 4 below). The Tartu team completed the survey in July 1987 and the Tallinn team in January 1988. Both the Tallinn and Tartu teams used four survey methods: 1. The respondent was visited by the interviewer at home or his/her work place and completed the questionnaire in the presence of the interviewer. (20 % of all cases)) 2. A letter was sent to the respondent asking him/her to visit the office of our research groups or some other place and to complete the questionnaire there. (10 % of all cases) 3. The respondent was personally contacted by the interviewer but completed and returned the questionnaire after the interviewer had left. (This method was used for about 50% of the respondents). 4. The questionnaire was sent and received by post. (This method was used for about 20% of the respondents). This method was mainly used in the countryside. The method used is reported in V281 (completion of the questionnaire), but, unfortunately, this information was not recorded for everyone. In total, 2,261 respondents were surveyed in the second stage. In personal contacts with respondents as well as in letters, the first stage of the survey was mentioned in asking respondents' help with the second stage. There were fewer than 20 refusals in all. In postal survey about 30% of the respondents needed one reminder-letter, and 10% two or more. Sixty percent returned the questionnaire in 6-10 days. Data from both the first and second stages were coded by the members of our research groups. |
11. Kodeerimisjuhend |
12. Viited peamistele publikatsioonidele, milles on avaldatud uurimistulemused |
13. Uuringuga seonduvad võtmesõnad (vabas vormis) |
14. Käesoleva kirjelduse koostaja nimi ja kontaktinfo: aadress, telefon, faks, e-post. |
15. Kirjelduse koostaja seos uuringuga (nt uurimisgrupi juht, uurimisgrupi liige, tellija esindaja vms) |
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ESTA/ESSDA UUS ID: 2009198700256 |