1a.Uuringu nimi eesti keeles
Põlvkondade eluteed 93
1b. Uuringu nimi inglise keeles

2. Finantseerimise allikad

3. Uuringu läbiviijad: projekti juht (vastutav täitja) ja uurimisgrupi liikmed.
Saarniit Jüri Saar Ellu Uueküla Jaak Vöörmann Rein Kallas Raul Kenkmann Paul Dsiss Hans Solotarjeva Olga Talv Villu Ennok Avo Murakas Rein Soova, Henri Tooding Liina-Mai Titma Mikk
4. Uurimisgrupi postiaadress, telefon, faks, e-post.

5. Uuringu eesmärk, uurimisprobleem, uurimisobjekt
The principal research tasks of the third wave of PG were the same as of the second wave: to specify the cohort's social position; to trace the life course to the given social status; to reveal the mental characteristics of the cohort; to carry out comparative analysis of life course, social status and mentality of cohorts in various countries and regions participating in the project. But the main differences between the second and third waves were on undergoing social-economic and political processes: second wave was conducted under the stable socialist regime; third wave was conducted under the transition to market based society.
6. Kas uuring on seotud õigusloome ja/või arengukavade koostamisega. Seose olemasolul palun tuua välja konkreetsed õigusaktid/arengukavad, mille koostamisel uuringumaterjalid on kasutamist leidnud.

7. Põhilised uurimisteemad (infoblokid)
The major blocks of items focus on life course events of respondents and their spouses.
8. Andmete kogumise aeg
Uuringu toimumise aeg: 1992-1993 Uurimisandmete kogumise aeg:
NB! Kui uurimistegevuse käigus uusi andmeid ei kogutud, polnud vaja vastata teemade 9-11 osas.
9. Valikumeetod ja valimi moodustamise lühikirjeldus (valikuuuringu korral).
In 1992 a decision was made to change the initial approach and to examine the whole age cohort, not only the graduates of the secondary schools. It means necessity to add to the initial sample those members of the cohort who did not attain secondary education. In accordance with this decision to change the initial sample was supplemented with those who had not attained secondary education till 1989. The 1989 USSR Census was the source of the information on the education of the examined age cohort. First, those members of age cohort, who had not secondary education, were selected from total population of region. Secondly, from this part of age cohort potential respondents were selected at random in proportion to the size of initial sample of secondary school graduates. Places of residence of the initial sample were identified as at stage 2 --- by obtaining current addresses of lists of respondents surveyed at Stage 1 from address bureaus in the regions surveyed.
10. Andmete kogumise meetod(id) ja valimi realiseerimine
During the third wave highly standardized face-to-face interviews were carried out for gathering data. The second part of the interview consisted of indicators about respondents' opinions and attitudes. This part included questions to which respondents gave written answers. This method of data collection was necessary in order to establish comparability of these data to those gathered on the same way at Stages 1 and 2. These interviews were mainly conducted at respondents' homes.
11. Kodeerimisjuhend

12. Viited peamistele publikatsioonidele, milles on avaldatud uurimistulemused

13. Uuringuga seonduvad võtmesõnad (vabas vormis)

14. Käesoleva kirjelduse koostaja nimi ja kontaktinfo: aadress, telefon, faks, e-post.

15. Kirjelduse koostaja seos uuringuga (nt uurimisgrupi juht, uurimisgrupi liige, tellija esindaja vms)

ESTA/ESSDA VANA ID: 93960014 (vaata siit skännitud PDF formaadis originaalankeeti)
ESTA/ESSDA UUS ID: 2009199300258

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