1a.Uuringu nimi eesti keeles
Ettevõtluse spetsialiseerumine ja mitmekesistumine siirdeperioodil - Eesti ja Venemaa maapiirkondade arengu võrdlev uurimus
1b. Uuringu nimi inglise keeles
Specialisation and Diversification of Enterprising during Transition - a Comparative Study of Development in Estonian and Russian Countryside (LOCAL PATHS)
2. Finantseerimise allikad
Soome TA
3. Uuringu läbiviijad: projekti juht (vastutav täitja) ja uurimisgrupi liikmed.
Granberg Leo (projekti juht) Põder Helvi Põder Anne Ohvril Tiiu
4. Uurimisgrupi postiaadress, telefon, faks, e-post.

5. Uuringu eesmärk, uurimisprobleem, uurimisobjekt
This study analyses rural areas in Russia and in Estonia from the viewpoint of continuities and economic strategies of rural enterprises. The subject in the analysis is mainly different types of enterprises, their strategies, developmental potentials and dependence on the environment where they act. Diversification and specialisation are opposite strategies, both of which can be found from post-soviet area: former one especially in Russia and latter one in Estonia. Detailed analyses on the local level aim at highlighting reasons and mechanisms producing such opposite strategies from seemingly similar historical background. Our approach is rooted in the theory of embeddedness of economic activity into its social and administrative environment. Therefore, one focus is also in the analysis of the relations between enterprises and local administration including the interests and the possibilities of local governments to promote local development with more or less strategic operations. An important focus is in the analysis of communities and their changing role in the process of transition, during which the soviet type of collective farms have lost their dominating role in the local life, both in its productive and reproductive spheres. The study is conducted in four post-soviet peripheral localities in Russia and in Estonia. In Russia the localities are in Karelia and in Nizhny-Novgorod- region and in Estonia in Põlva county and in Järva county. Among rural enterprises the focus is on non-agricultural business activities. Triangulation method will be applied with priority in comparative data collected with semi-structured interviews of local experts and actors in business, administration and development efforts. The project implements also limited surveys and uses other forms of official, statistical and research data.
6. Kas uuring on seotud õigusloome ja/või arengukavade koostamisega. Seose olemasolul palun tuua välja konkreetsed õigusaktid/arengukavad, mille koostamisel uuringumaterjalid on kasutamist leidnud.

7. Põhilised uurimisteemad (infoblokid)

8. Andmete kogumise aeg
Uuringu toimumise aeg: 2004-2006 Uurimisandmete kogumise aeg:
NB! Kui uurimistegevuse käigus uusi andmeid ei kogutud, polnud vaja vastata teemade 9-11 osas.
9. Valikumeetod ja valimi moodustamise lühikirjeldus (valikuuuringu korral).

10. Andmete kogumise meetod(id) ja valimi realiseerimine

11. Kodeerimisjuhend

12. Viited peamistele publikatsioonidele, milles on avaldatud uurimistulemused

13. Uuringuga seonduvad võtmesõnad (vabas vormis)

14. Käesoleva kirjelduse koostaja nimi ja kontaktinfo: aadress, telefon, faks, e-post.

15. Kirjelduse koostaja seos uuringuga (nt uurimisgrupi juht, uurimisgrupi liige, tellija esindaja vms)

ESTA/ESSDA VANA ID: 000000 (vaata siit skännitud PDF formaadis originaalankeeti)
ESTA/ESSDA UUS ID: 2009200600172

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