1a.Uuringu nimi eesti keeles
Täiskasvanud õppija haridussüsteemis (LLL2010 alaprojekt!)
1b. Uuringu nimi inglise keeles
Survey of adults continuing studies in the formal education system (individual aspect)
2. Finantseerimise allikad
EL VI raamprogramm
3. Uuringu läbiviijad: projekti juht (vastutav täitja) ja uurimisgrupi liikmed.
UURINGU LÄBIVIIJA: INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL AND SOCIAL STUDIES, Tallinn University (IISS) TALLINN – Estonia Ellu SAAR Project Office: Triin ROOSALU, Eve-Liis ROOSMAA Estonia will serve as overall coordinator and support the whole project with longstanding competence in project management. In-depth expertise in international expertise of sociological problems related to lifelong learning will add empirical know how to the project. IISS will be lead partner of the project phases Preparation and Research II (partly), where its competencies will be used best. Contractors HIGHER INSTITUTE FOR LABOUR STUDIES, Catholique University of Louvain (K. U. Leuven) (HIVA) LEUVEN – Belgium Ides NICAISE Belgium will contribute to multidisciplinary research of lifelong learning. In-depth expertise in international comparison of sociological problems related to lifelong learning will add theoretical and empirical know how to the project. Because of numerous comparative research experience with other European partners HIVA will serve as lead partner for the Research phases I and II. UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM (UNOTT) NOTTINGHAM - United Kingdom John HOLFORD United Kingdom has considerable experience in the field, especially in research into and theorising of lifelong learning and adult education as well as methodological aspects of lifelong learning. It will serve the project as lead partner for measuring lifelong learning and dissemination phase. In the beginning of the project we had University of Surrey (Centre of Research in Lifelong Learning) as English partner, but after John Holford's move from Surrey to Nottingham the partnership changed to Nottingham University. MORAY HOUSE SCHOOL FOR EDUCATION, University of Edinburgh (UEDIN) EDINBURGH - United Kingdom Sheila RIDDELL and Elisabet WEEDON Scotland has done comprehensive and empirical studies on a range of equality and social justice issues with reference to education, training and employment. This competence will be useful to address the historical aspect of the subject of the research. It qualifies the institution to be lead partner for the project phase review of literature and policy I (historical aspect). EDUCATIONAL DISADVANTAGE CENTRE, AND CENTRE FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AT ST. PATRICK’S COLLEGE, Dublin City University (EDC/CSHD) DUBLIN – Ireland Paul DOWNES and Catherine MAUNSELL The Educational Disadvantage Centre has engaged in largely qualitative research regarding educational disadvantage, early school leaving and social justice issues. The Centre for Human Development examines adult development from an interdisciplinary perspective of psychology, sociology and philosophy and its members are all also members of the Education Department at St. Patrick’s College. EDC/HD will be lead partner of the project phase Research IV (institutional aspect): Interviews with (vocational, secondary) schools and universities management, officials. FAFO INSTITUTE FOR LABOUR AND SOCIAL RESEARCH (Fafo) OSLO – Norway Odd Bjørn URE Norway is a core partner in several comparative projects on lifelong learning under the 5th framework program. Because of experiences in monitoring national developments in lifelong learning through large scale surveys Fafo will have a decisive input to the project phase Research I (individual aspect): Researching participation of adults in formal learning (secondary, vocational schools, and universities) on the basis of Eurostat Lifelong Learning survey data and other existing national data sets. SLOVENIAN INSTITUTE FOR ADULT EDUCATION (SIAE) LJUBLJANA – Slovenia Vida A. Mohorcic SPOLAR Slovenia has a long-term experience of international cooperation, first of all in the field of policy and legislation research. This competence will be useful to address the policy aspect of the subject of research. SIAE will take the lead of Review of literature and policy II (policy aspect) that will extract the comparative policy analysis. TÁRKI SOCIAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE (TARKI) BUDAPEST – Hungary Péter ROBERT Hungary fielded surveys on transition from secondary school to tertiary education; on public opinion of students about their educational conditions; and on concrete policy relevant issues. The institute has accumulated concrete experiences in research on educational inequalities. Therefore TARKI will assist HIVA in Research I (individual aspect). MYKOLAS ROMERIS UNIVERSITY (MRU) VILNIUS – Lithuania Leta DROMANTIENE Lithuania will serve as national expert. It will add competence about lifelong learning in Lithuania. Specific priority of the LTU is given to study sociological problems related to social exclusion. INSTITUTE OF SOCIOLOGY (IS) SOFIA – Bulgaria Pepka BOYADJIEVA Bulgaria has the role of a national expert. The researchers from the IS are experts and members of board for accreditation and educational policy in Bulgaria. As national expert this partner will contribute essential know how about the educational inequalities in the post-socialist countries. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF RETRAINING AND IMPROVEMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FOR SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK, St. Petersburg State University (SPSU) ST. PETERSBURG - Russian Federation Vladimir KOZLOVSKY Russia will serve as national expert. It will add strong theoretical interdisciplinary approach and extensive expertise in the field of sociology of education. THE NATIONAL TRAINING FUND (NTF) PRAGUE - Czech Republic Martin DOBES Czech Republic has the role of a national expert. NTF has a main role in the preparation (setting up) national politics for Adult Education in the Czech Republic. Its document: Strategy for Human Resources Development was one of the main documents used in European Social Fund programming. NTF is also the agency for implementation of projects. It will add competence about vocational education and lifelong learning in Czech Republic. Specific priority of the NTF is given to identify needs and priorities of vocational education in terms of labour market requirements. INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH (STI) VILNIUS – Lithuania Meilute TALJUNAITE STI is one of the leaders in Lithuania (2nd Lithuanian member) in the field of sociology and other social sciences since 1977. Institute held various international projects. Few of them are relevant for this project, i.e. National longitudinal survey of labour market experience in Lithuania (1983-93), and the international projects "Social Changes in Baltic and Nordic Countries" (1993-1995), “Family and Living Conditions in the Baltic States”(1995-98). Human resources in R&D of the Institute are much stronger when we compare the publications and the network with other universities in Lithuania. The researchers are involved in teaching at various universities. Doctoral students of the Institute participate in all research activities of the Institute. DANUBE UNIVERSITY KREMS, University for Continuing Education (DUK) KREMS – Austria Jörg MARKOWITSCH University for Continuing Education (DUK), Austria operates at the interface between education and the labour market. It has designed projects in the fields of knowledge, learning and work. These competencies will be useful to address the institutional aspect of lifelong learning. It qualifies DUK to be lead partner for the project phase Research III (SME and the participation of workers in formal learning, Interviews with SME management). In the beginning of the project we had 3s Research Laboratory as Austrian partner.
4. Uurimisgrupi postiaadress, telefon, faks, e-post.
LLL2010@tlu.ee roosmaa@iiss.ee lll2010.tlu.ee Institute of International and Social Studies Tallinn University Uus-Sadama 5, 10120 Tallinn, ESTONIA
5. Uuringu eesmärk, uurimisprobleem, uurimisobjekt
Formaalhariduse roll elukestvas õppes (indiviidi perpektiiv)
6. Kas uuring on seotud õigusloome ja/või arengukavade koostamisega. Seose olemasolul palun tuua välja konkreetsed õigusaktid/arengukavad, mille koostamisel uuringumaterjalid on kasutamist leidnud.
Elukestvat õpet käsitlevad dokumendid Euroopa Liidu ja riikide tasandil. Eesti puhul nt. kesksena: ELukestva õppe strateegia 2005-2008 Vt. lähemalt infot lll2010.tlu.ee
7. Põhilised uurimisteemad (infoblokid)

8. Andmete kogumise aeg
Uuringu toimumise aeg:2007-2009 Uurimisandmete kogumise aeg: 2007
NB! Kui uurimistegevuse käigus uusi andmeid ei kogutud, polnud vaja vastata teemade 9-11 osas.
9. Valikumeetod ja valimi moodustamise lühikirjeldus (valikuuuringu korral).

10. Andmete kogumise meetod(id) ja valimi realiseerimine

11. Kodeerimisjuhend

12. Viited peamistele publikatsioonidele, milles on avaldatud uurimistulemused

13. Uuringuga seonduvad võtmesõnad (vabas vormis)

14. Käesoleva kirjelduse koostaja nimi ja kontaktinfo: aadress, telefon, faks, e-post.

15. Kirjelduse koostaja seos uuringuga (nt uurimisgrupi juht, uurimisgrupi liige, tellija esindaja vms)

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